Toward an innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the space geo-information sector supporting Copernicus User Uptake

Funding institution: European Commission – Education, audiovisual and executive agency (EACEA)
Total budget: 3.876.045 € / Budget UJI: 247.575 €
Duration: January 2018-30 June 20

EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners form 12 countries from academia, private and public sector active in the educational/training and space/geospatial sectors. EO4GEO aims to help bridging the skills gap between supply and services in end-user Applications. EO4GEO will work in an multi- and interdisciplinary way and apply innovative solutions for its education and training actions including: case based and collaborative learning scenarios; learning-while- doing in a living lab environment: on-the job training; the co-creation of knowledge, skills and competences, etc. EO4GEO will define a long-term and sustainable strategy to fill the gap between supply of and demand for space/geospatial education and training taking into account the current and expected technological and non-technological developments in the space/geospatial and related sectors (e.g. ICT). The strategy will be implemented by : creating and maintaining an ontology-based Body of Knowledge for the space/geospatial sector based on previous efforts; developing and integrating a dynamic collaborative platform with associated tools; designing and developing a series of curricula and a rich portfolio of training modules directly usable in the context of Copernicus and other relevant programmes and conducting a series if training actions for a selected set of scenario’s in three sub-sectors – integrated Applications, smart cities and climate change to test and validate the approach. Finally, a long-term Action Plan will be developed and endorser to roll-out and sustain the proposed solutions

GEOTEC will be in charge for the development of new innovative tools for the EO4GEO Platform leading WP3, and will be involved in the analysis of trends, challenges and opportunities under WP1 and in the definition and fine-tuning of an ontology-based approach (WP2). UJI will host a project meeting and a workshop connected to WP1. Moreover, it will contribute to capacity building and dissemination activities and will cooperate within the project Consortium in management and quality assurance and evaluation activities.


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Aguilar-Moreno, Estefanía; Monfort-Muriach, Aida; Casteleyn, Sven

EO4GEO: Is your knowledge aligned with the GI/EO sector demands? Inproceedings

FOSS4G Europe, Guimaraes, Portugal 2018. July 16-21 2018 , 2018.


6 entries « 2 of 2 »



UJI IP: Joaquín Huerta huerta@uji.es

Technical contact: Sven Casteleyn sven.casteleyn@uji.es





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