Cloud platform for publishing, editing and viewing geospatial information in a semantic framework

Short Description

The aim of GeoCloud project is the development of a platform that integrates geospatial information on the Internet of the future , extending existing systems based on services to integrate geospatial information with a semantic model a formal and informal components, and with an implementation in an environment of cloud computing. GeoCloud allow a variety of users to publish and maintain easily geographic information on the Internet and can make available to others ( free or for a fee ) these services through international interoperability standards , and also through environments massive use as Google Maps or Google Earth . Thus , information published not only can search, view, edit and download from the Web portal GeoCloud , but also from any GIS or compatible application referenced standards .

GEOTEC’s contribution

Development of an assistant for publishing and sharing geographic data and services and a broker for finding and downloading / using them.


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IP: Jorge Mateu (
Technical contact: Carlos Granell (