ERMES project: from M01 to M06
The end of August marked the first 6 months of the ERMES project. Still a long way to go but the activities we did during this period are setting the basis for the development of the future ERMES services and infrastructure over the next months. Notably, the consortium as a whole was concentrated on capturing requirements of any sort, ranging from data and services needs, to modelling aspects, and to the particular needs of the stakeholders, farmers and regional authorities who will be the target users of the ERMES services. Some deliverables have been already approved and published to this matter and are available at the new web site of the project.
With regards to the UJI team, ad-hoc meetings have been held with the rest of partners and stakeholders to get a better understanding of the project itself, its goals and overall requirements. All of this will be used to design the set of services and infrastructure over the next six months required to put the operational services in place by the end of the project. We performed some dissemination activities, such as the short paper and poster in the past AGILE 2014 conference and some vulgarizing articles in popular Spanish press outlets. Additionally, we initiated the preparation of other dissemination activities to be fully developed during the course of the project. Remarkably, the edition of a special issue ‘Geospatial data capturing, processing, analysis and visualization in Agro-Geoinformatics’along with the revision of relevant literature on the application of geospatial data and technologies and mobile devices to the agriculture field. These activities are envisaged to allow us to take informed decisions during the further development of the project, and form the basis for future project–related publications in relevant conferences like the upcoming IGARSS 2015 conference in the realm of Milano Expo 2015, both to be held in Milano next summer.
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 1 September, 2014