SEnviro: Arduino + Web of Things + real-time stream processing + web mapping
SEnviro (Sense the ENVIROnment) is a Proof-of-Concept project whose aim is to monitor the status of the current environment, providing a low-cost, open and autonomous solution. SEnviro is the “hardware” result of the project. It is based on Arduino and may measure and monitor distinct atmospheric variables (air quality, temperature, humidity, light, wind, etc.) if the corresponding sensor device is plugged to SEnviro (figure below) SEnviro is flexible enough to allows diverse sensor configurations for monitoring any combination of atmospheric variables
The collected observations by each Senviro Thing are sent to a server, which exposes them using open standards and protocols by means of RESTful web services, that favours its interoperable use by other services and clients which use the same standards and protocols. The server can analyse the stream of harvested observations in near real-time also. As an example, an algorithm to detect anomalies in the environmental variables has been implemented.
The scientific results of the SEnviro project have been recently published as a research paper in the MDPI Sensors journal.
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 14 April, 2015