@geotecUJI welcomes David Tortosa
We would like to welcome our student David Tortosa Escudero , who has joined our team with a scholarship for contributing to SARA project (Sistema Asistencial ReActivo al contexto para la ciudadania), funded byUJI’s Research plan, call 2017.
David owns two VET programmes, one in Microinformatics Systems, and another one in Administration of Systems and Networks. For the latter, he did an internship in Hayes (near London) providing technical support and helpdesk services. Now, David is pursuing Computer Science degree at UJI (third course)
He is struggling (and learning) with Angular, Blocky and Particle.
David will also contribute to our internal project SUCRE4Kids, now under renovation.
We would like to give you a very warm welcome and happy stay with us.
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 11 March, 2019