@geotecUJI and WAKE from @UA_Universidad won the best demo award at @ICWE2020
In a collaboration between the Web and Knowledge (WAKE) research group at the university of Alicante and GEOTEC, the demo “A Web Augmentation Framework for Accessibility based on Voice Interaction” was awarded with the best demo award at the 20th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2020).
The demo demonstrates the so called WAFRA framework, which explores the use of Web augmentation techniques to add, at runtime, accessibility features to help (visually) impaired users. Most notably, a voice interface, combined with standard usability operations (e.g., select webpage fragments, read aloud, facilitate navigation), allows a visually impaired user oral and auditory interaction with websites. As another feature, a website can be augmented with relevant movie fragments that illustrate the textual content. Â
WAFRA is realised as a JavaScript script that is installable using Tampermonkey. A preliminary experiment with WAFRA showed promising results in facilitating more universal access to the Web.
If you are interested in reading more, check out the paper here: A Web Augmentation Framework for Accessibility based on Voice Interaction, or watch a short movie explaining the work and including a demo.
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 9 July, 2020