#EO4GEO BoK software platform available
“To unlock the vast knowledge captured in the Body of Knowledge (BoK) in practical (software) applications, the EO4GEO project offers the BoK software platform. It serves as a universal access point for use of the Body of Knowledge and provides online availability of the BoK, a uniform way to refer to and retrieve concepts from the BoK, programmatic access and default BoK-related software components. In doing so, the platform enables a plethora of uses of the BoK, ranging from integration with other BoKs or linked data sources, annotating resources with the BoK, to full-fledged BoK-based software development and application integration“
This is the abstract for an entry just published at EO4GEO Medium channel on occassion of the release of the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge and its associated tools.
GeotecUJI team taking part in the EO4GEO project, lead by Sven Casteleyn, was in charge on the coordination of the development of an integrated platform of collaborative tools. In particular, GeotecUJI lead and developed an innovative set of tools, composed by end-user tools and software components, that bridge between the knowledge contained in the BoK on one hand, and software applications exploiting it on the other.
The end-user tools have been already introduced in previous posts, since they are which most of stakeholders and individual users are going to interact with. However, in the background, as it can be seen in Figure 1, there is a supporting software infrastructure that enables developers to tap into the knowledge contained in the BoK and unlock its value: The EO4GEO Platform.
We want to invite you to know more by reading the full entry “The EO4GEO BoK software platform: towards exploitation of the Body of Knowledge” which deepens into EO4GEO BoK platform importance and explains how it stores, serves and constitutes the main entry point for the official release of the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge.
We made a big effort during the last three years to build this up. Your turn!
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 4 November, 2020