GEOTEC’s contribution to The Week of #Geospatial Information #GIEducation for the Future @eo4geoTalks @ideais_cyted
According to the announcement of the Week of the #GIEducation , it aims at bringing together teachers, experts, practitioners and students to present and discuss recent advances in GI-education and think about GI-education for the future. That’s why different GI-related projects EO4GEO, GEOBIZ, SEED4NA and Spider, under the umbrella of Erasmus+ programme, have organised a week for sharing experiences and thoughts about the future of GI-education.
The event will take place every afternoon, from January 25th to 28th, from 15.00 to 17.00, and it is organised in different thematic sessions gathering different experts.
Session 1: Challenges and approaches for bringing higher education closer to market needs (Monday 25 January, 15:00 – 17:00)
Session 2: New and innovative forms of business-academia cooperation in GI-education: a problem-based learning approach (Tuesday 26 January, 15:00 – 17:00)
Session 3: Innovative and open methods in teaching and learning on GI and Spatial Data Infrastructures: from curriculum design to classroom implementation  (Wednesday 27 January, 15:00-17:00)
Session 4: Innovative GI-education through collaboration in and between different parts of the world (Thursday 28 January, 15:00-17:00)
GEOTEC will attend the sessions and contribute to them. Sven Casteleyn will present EO4GEO: From BoK to Applications during Session 1, and Carlos Granell will introduce IDEais: Latin American network about Intelligent agents for SDIs during Session 4.
Know more about the agenda and register to the sessions at http://www.eo4geo.eu/the-week-of-gi-education-for-the-future/
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 25 January, 2021