During January and February, GEOTEC members have visited four primary and secondary schools in the region. The goal was to train science and technology teachers of each center about the possibilities of the SUCRE programme, either Sucre4Kids or Sucre4Stem, to create creative learning situations in classroom. This was part of the PAF programme of each center (Annual Training for Teachers).
- CEIP San AgustÃ, Castellón (3 sessions)
- IES Miralcamp, Vilareal (2 sessions)
- IES Professor Broch i Lluc, Vilareal (2 sessions)
- IES Serra d’Irta, Alcalà de Xisvert (1 session)
Since the new education curriculum in Spain puts a lot of emphasis on the term computational thinking, this was the initial topic of discussion at each center. Finding a common understanding of the meaning and implications of the term computational thinking was essential to move forward and describe how Sucre relates to that term in later sessions. Let’s assume that computational thinking is about logical-mathematical thinking + computer science concepts and constructions to find a (partial) computational solution to address a given problem.
Once this common space is established, we continue with more practical topics: Scure4Stems components, sensors and actuators, programming constructs in SucreCode and many examples of how to code Sucre4Stem or Sucre4Kids in action. The training sessions were intentionally informal, which encouraged a lively discussion between participanting teachers and GEOTEC members on how to use and combine Sucre4Stem in the classroom. Many ideas for integrated projects were raised, especially in the realm of secondary education where the subjects of mathematics, biology and technology are integrated into the scientific-technical area.
Training at IES Serra d’Irta was a bit special. We had a short introductory session with the teachers there, followed by three consecutive sessions with students, ages 13-17.
Take-home messages? Well, it was a incredible experience for us to learn the real needs of teachers, their problems and limitations when it comes to bring computational thinking related actions in the classrooms. Or even to designing actions only. From discussion with teachers, we also took notes on ideas for which Sucre4Stem can be a real asset. Could we use Sucre4Stem for genetic coding, basic chemical formulation, to create encoded messages? There do not seem so mad ideas and worth to give them a try.
Our big thanks to all teaching who attended Sucre training sessions!!
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 2 March, 2023