SUCRE4Stem and SUCRE4Kids at computational thinking in mathematics education events
The Society of Mathematical Education of the Valencian Community Al-Khwarizmi (Societat d’Educació Matemàtica de la Comunitat Valenciana Al-Khwarizmi – SEMCV) is a society of Mathematics teachers. During last weekend, October 20 and 21, 2023, the UJI brought together mathematics teachers from the Valencian community and other autonomous communities in Spain in two special events organised by SEMCV whose common theme was computational thinking in mathematics education: XIV Jornades de la Societat d´Educació Matemàtica de la Comunitat Valenciana ´´Al-Khwārizmī´´ i les XVIII Jornades d´Ensenyament de les Matemàtiques. These two events are aimed to offer Valencian teachers and researchers a tool for reflection, information, debate and the search for solutions to the challenges posed by the learning and teaching of Mathematics.
And yes, SUCRE team was there. Indeed, SUCRE team is where the focus of the conversation is about computational thinking. On the morning of October 21, we developed two activities to present each of the SUCRE products. In booth format, we showed SUCRE4Kids during coffee to all participants interested in the intersection of computational thinking and primary school. Subsequently, we made a tutorial dedicated to SUCRE4Stem for secondary school teachers.
It was a pleasure to actively participate in these two events and contribute our vision to the debate on computational thinking in mathematics. SUCRE4Stem and SUCRE4Kids are means to further develop these ideas in classrooms.
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 27 October, 2023