Healthy Cities

Ciudades Saludables

Short Description

This project develops, tests and deploys the Healthy Cities information system comprised of efficient and interoperable backend services beyond today’s search engines, and intelligent frontend or client-based services beyond complex user interfaces and adapting new participatory tools and mobile devices. The system will provide access, fusion, integration and data correlation so that key information can be more readily available for just-in-time services and change detection and pattern and complex events recognition. The data to support this system come from both top-down official sources and bottom-up crowdsourced data. The system is designed to exploit these data and to offer tools to generate information to help make urban living healthier. Case studies and demonstrations for the project include major urban and environment impacts on health.


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Ramos-Romero, Francisco; Monfort-Muriach, Aida; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

A Location Aware Mobile Tool for Direct and Indirect Climate Data Sensors Journal Article

In: Transactions in GIS, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 385-400, 2014, ISSN: 1361-1682, (IF: 1.398, Q2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

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IP / Technical contact: Joaquín Huerta (