

Joaquín Huerta

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 84
Prof. Joaquín Huerta is associate professor in the Department of Information Systems at UJI. He holds a Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Computer Aided Design from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), and a PhD in Computer Science Engineering from  UJI. His main activities involve research in smart cities/campuses, Internet technologies, Augmented reality, 3D models, Web 2.0, contextual systems, sensor networks and GIS application development.

Michael Gould

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 82
Michael Gould received his PhD in GIS at the University of Buffalo, and has been a professor of GIS at Universitat Jaume I since 1997. He has directed many R&D projects at the local, national and European levels, as well as 3 PhD theses (others in progress). His research interests include distributed GIS, Smart Cities, and hybrid FOSS/proprietary interoperability. He now works part-time at UJI because since December 2008 he began working at Esri (California), currently as Global Education Manager working mostly in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Sven Casteleyn

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 93  
Sven Casteleyn currently holds a 5 year Ramon y Cajal post-doctoral fellowship at the Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. He previously held a two year European Marie Curie fellowship at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), and was a professor, post- and pre-doctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, from which he holds a Ph.D. (2005) and a Master degree (1999). His research interests lie primarily within the broad field of Web Engineering, Semantic Web, Mobile Computing and Context-aware Systems.  

Carlos Granell

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 82
Carlos Granell currently holds a 5 year Ramón y Cajal post-doctoral fellowship at the UJI of Castellón, Spain. Before re-joining GEOTEC in 2014, he worked for 3 years as a post-doc in the Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), and was a post- and pre-doctoral researcher during the period 2003-2010 at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, from which he holds a Ph.D. (2006). His research interests lie in multi-disciplinary GIS, model web, and spatial analysis & visualization.

Francisco Ramos

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 83
Francisco Ramos is Profesor Contratado Doctor in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at UJI (Spain). He got his Ph.D. with honours from this University in 2008. His research interests are in the areas of mobile interaction, computer graphics, visualization and GIS. He is CTO and co-founder of Emotional Apps, an enterprise which combines technology and emotions by means of creating innovative mobile apps. This company has been featured in Full-frame show (CCTV America), TIME magazine or Yahoo News, to name a few. Currently, he teaches in the Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies, and he is also the Director of Master in mobile programming and videogames at UJI.

Sergi Trilles

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86
Website: strilles
Sergi Trilles received his PhD in Integration of Geospatial Information from the Jaume I University in 2015. He had the opportunity to work four months as researcher in the Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). Currently he is a postdoc researcher at the GEOTEC group.

Joaquín Torres

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 83    
Website: jtorres
Joaquín Torres-Sospedra is a researcher at the Institute of New Imaging Technologies, UJI. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (September 2003) and a PhD with distinction (September 2011), both from Universitat Jaume I. His main research interests are in the areas of Indoor Location & Positioning, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Multiple Classifier Systems, Sensor Fusion, Knowledge-based Systems and Interoperability.

Estefanía Aguilar

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86
Website: eaguilarmo
Estefanía Aguilar Moreno works at Geotec as project assistant for EC lifelong learning programme projects. In 2013-2014 she worked at the EC – JRC focused on emerging ethical threats triggered by ICT, but her professional background was mainly related to Competitive Intelligence and Information Management. Graduated in Information Science and Master in Information Knowledge and Society by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain), broadly speaking her interests have to do with how ICT has impacted on Society at all levels, looking for confluence points, e.g. geospatial bridges, between humanities and sciences.

Nacho Miralles

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86  
Website: nachomiralles
Nacho Miralles received his Master’s Degree in Intelligent Systems in 2015 and the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science in 2014, both of them at UJI, Castellon. He is currently a PhD Student, having obtained a FPU scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. In January, 2015 he joined the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT) as a member of the GEOTEC research group where he is developing Web applications including GIS solutions. Before, he has worked during eight years in LabPsiTec, a group dedicated to the research and application of psychological treatments using new technologies. His main interests are Web, GIS and Virtual Reality Applications development, always in contact with research projects.

Germán Mendoza

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 81
Germán M. Mendoza Silva received a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, in 2005. He worked at Universidad de Oriente and Universidad de Ciencias informáticas, both in Cuba, as Mathematics and Programming professor, and also did some research on real time and embedded systems and image processing. He later received a Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies (2015) at an Erasmus-Mundus program. In June, 2015 he joined GEOTEC and started the PhD program in Informatics. His main interests include programming, agent-based models and indoor localization.

Aida Monfort

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Aida Monfort Muriach completed her Computer Engineering Bachelor (2013) and a specialization course in Advanced Web Development at Jaume I University (2010). She later received a Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies (2015) at a Joint Program of Universitat Jaume I, Castellón (Spain); Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster (Germany); and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Lisbon (Portugal). In February, 2016 she joined GEOTEC. She had worked as a mobile developer and iOS and GIS programming are among her main interests.

Alberto Gonzalez

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86
Alberto González is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science thanks to an FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU17/03832). Previously, he received his master’s Degree in Intelligent Systems in 2018 and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2017. He joined GEOTEC group via the Study and Research program during his first bachelor’s degree year (2013), a program that allows students to start their research career while they’re studying their bachelor’s degree. He has experience developing web applications, mobile applications and web services, also working with embedded hardware. He aims to expand his developer toolbox adding data scientist skills during his Ph.D. studies, concretely geospatial analysis skills.

Miguel Matey

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86
Miguel Matey Sanz has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Universitat Jaume I. Currently, he is studying a master’s degree in Intelligent Systems. He  joined the GEOTEC group in 2015 via the Study and Research program. This  program allow students to introduce on a research carrer while they are studying their bachelor's degree. Currently, he is working in SyMptOMS project. He is interested in developing mobile and web applications and indoor localization.

Águeda Gómez

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 86
Agueda Gómez Cambronero graduated in Video Games Design and Development at Universitat Jaume I (2017) and she concluded her studies with a Intelligent Systems master at the same university (2018). Águeda have been collaborating with GEOTEC group in projects such as SEnviro, AViMus or EO4GEO since she finished her internship. Currently, thanks to a FPI grant from Generalitat Valenciana (ACIF/2019/278), she is pursuing her Ph.D. aiming to asses and treat patients with mental disorders or chronic pain throught video games.

Elena Martínez

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 81
Elena Martínez Santamaría is managing the Erasmus Mundus Master's Program in Geospatial Technologies since 2016. She has a very extensive experience in the management of international programs since she was previously also working in the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace of the UJI for 10 years. She holds a Bachelor degree in Humanities and a post-graduate degree in Specialist in Peace, Conflicts and Development studies.

Ditsuhi Iskandaryan

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 74
Ditsuhi Iskandaryan received a bachelor's degree in Cartography and Cadastral Work (2012) and master's degree in Cartography at Yerevan State University (2014). She did Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies (2018).  In Armenia, Ditsuhi worked in the department of Water State Cadaster and Balance of the Armenian State Hydrometeorological and Monitoring Service as a junior specialist( June 2013-August 2014), in the department of GIS and Remote Sensing of the Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies (CENS) as a Senior Laboratory Assistant (September 2014- August 2016) and during September 2018 - March 2019 she worked in the department of GIS of the Center of Geodesy and Cartography as a GIS Specialist.  Currently,  she is doing PhD in Jaume I University. She is interested in analyzing big data using machine learning technologies

Claudia Pérez

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Claudia Pérez is pursuing his Ph.D in computer science. She received a bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering from Politecnico Grancolombiano University in Colombia in 2012, a Postgraduate degree in Project Management from Military university Nueva Granada in Colombia in 2014 and a Master degree in High Performance Web Development from University Ramon Llull in Barcelona in 2018. She started her professional career working as a software developer for 5 years in different companies and 2 years as a ERP consultant in a multinational manufacturing company. In February 2019 she joined GEOTEC group working as a web developer in Red Cívica project.

Juan Camilo Gómez Esguerra

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Juan Camilo received his bachelor’s degree as a Cadastral and Geodetic engineer (2010) in Universidad Distrital de Bogotá, Colombia. He got an specilization in environmental management (2012) in Universidad Militar de Colombia, and received his master’s degree in IT and innovation management (2019) in Universidad de la Salle Barcelona. Juan Camilo has more than eight years of experience working with GIS (Geographic Information System). Currently, he is supporting and managing the UJI ArcGIS Software Campus license and he has a Scholarhsip into Erasmus Mundus University Master's Degree in Geospatial Technologies.


Sylvia Holcer

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Sylvia Holcer is currently working as an Early Stage Researcher through the A-WEAR project, focusing her work on privacy in wearables. Through the A-WEAR project she is working towards a European Joint Doctorate at UJI in Castellón and BUT in Brno, Czech Republic. She majored in Geoinformation for her Bachelor´s and Master´s degrees at UAM in Poznan, Poland. Her primary research interests are new technologies, machine learning, and spatial analysis.

Pavel Pascacio

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Pável Pascacio De Los Santos is an ESR of the A-WEAR project pursuing an European Joint Doctorate in Computer Science and Communications Engineering in the Universitat Jaume I (Spain) and Tampere University (Finland). He has his Master’s Degree in Automation and Control Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2019) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, México (2009). He worked at National Institute of Electricity and Clean Energy in a multidisciplinary research group dedicated to developing Mechatronics devices for the Mexican Electricity Sector. His main research interests are in the areas of infrastructure-less Indoor Location & Positioning, Machine Learning, Collaborative Indoor Positioning Systems, Peer-to-Peer Communication and Mesh Network.

Darwin Quezada

Telephone: (+34) 964 38 76 85
Darwin P. Quezada Gaibor is an Early Stage Researcher (ESR)  and PhD student of Universitat Jaume I (Spain) and Tampere University (Finland). He received his bachelor's degree in Mechatronic Engineering from Universidad Tecnológica América, Ecuador, 2013 and his Master's Degree in Radioengineering - GNSS receivers: Hardware and Software from Samara National Research University, Russia, 2017. His main interests are VoIP, Cloud Computing, Networking, Servers, and Free Software


Alain Tamayo
Irene García
Pau Aragó
Fernando Benítez Páez
Ana Sanchis
Joan Pere Avariento
David Frías
Elena Chicaiza
Arturo Beltrán
Laura Díaz
Manuel Portela
Andrés Muñoz
David Rambla
Luis E. Rodriguez
Ngo Manh Khoi
Diego Gargallo
Manuela Nuñez
Mohammad Mehdi
Ignacio Guerrero
Mauri Benedito
Diego Pajarito