#Python, #Javascript and #AugmentedReality the topics most mentioned in the last Esri Developer Summit Europe 2017
Over 300 developers, entrepreneurs, and students from several universities or research institutes found in European Esri Developer Summit the best opportunity to update their knowledge of the ArcGIS platform. From October 24 to October 26, the Berlin Congress Center was the place where they shared their developments and future projects.
Bringing the new features and capabilities of Esri developer platform, the JavaScript API versions 3x and 4x for 2D and 3D had an essential role in the plenary session. At the same time, Python and Python API for ArcGIS were demonstrated to be one of the central frameworks to developers as well as a bridge for other GI development platforms. Python is not only a powerful interface to geo-processing tools, but also a relevant scripting language for GIS administrators supporting the automatization of their administration tasks.
Jupyter and other interactive notebooks were a common factor along the parallel sessions in this event. The Esri Inc team promoted this useful tool to teach, guide and even create presentations that include Python as core language to use. The diversity of this online resource allowed users the possibility to design interactive guidelines to testing and deploying the ongoing projects and shared quickly with other colleagues.
3D development tools and applications were also relevant topics across the conference. JavaScript 3D API for ArcGIS, City Engine and the integration with tools like Unity game engine and Augmented Reality were the focus of several sessions where attendees could get the tips and tricks to create or extend their ongoing projects.
Finally, to conclude the conference, there were two interesting sessions related to artificial intelligence and web maps applications with voice recognition. Con-Terra, the principle sponsor of the event, displayed a prototype combining natural language, GIS capabilities, and machine learning methods. Afterwards, the JavaScript Esri Inc team delighted the audience with another prototype using the Chrome API voice recognition and ArcGIS JavaScript API, as they showed a web application able to follow the voice commands to find places, change the scale of the map, and locate nearby restaurants or stores.
The following list are the most highlighted resources collected during this event:
For more information and the proceedings of this conference have a look at this following link: http://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/index.html
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 30 October, 2017