3 recent GEOTEC doctors honoured at UJI’s investiture for new doctors
GEOTEC has an excellent track record when it comes to training young researchers, both through regional, national and international funding programs. Last academic year, 3 GEOTEC students obtained the title of “doctor”. The first was Alberto González-Pérez, supervised by Sven Casteleyn and Joaquin Huerta and funded by an FPU scholarship of the Spanish Ministry of Universities, with a dissertation on the use of mobile phones for mental health patients. The second was Tomás Bravenec, supervised by Joaquin Torres-Sospedra, Michael Gould and Tomas Fryza, with a dissertation on privacy in indoor positioning, funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) A-WEAR. The third one was Águeda Gómez-Cambronero, supervised by Sven Casteleyn and Adriana Mira and funded by an FPI grant by the Valencian Community, with a dissertation on developing a mobile game to battle patients with depression.
On the 19th of November 2024, all new doctors and their UJI supervisors were celebrated during UJI’s yearly Investiture Ceremony for new doctors. During this event, where all thesis director and new doctors were dressed in traditional academic protocol clothing, the new doctors put in the spotlight, received a certificate and personal congratulations from the rector of the university. This marks the official end of an important formative stage in their career, and at the same time, marks the beginning of their post doctoral career. From all members of GEOTEC, we wholeheartedly congratulate Tomas, Alberto and Agueda, and wish all of them the very best for the future!
- Posted by geoadmin
- On 27 November, 2024