- 4 July, 2018
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Resultados del proyecto #FP7 #ERMESproject en la Jornada sobre Técnicas de Monitorización Aplicadas al Control de la #PAC en Superficies
- 26 June, 2018
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@FabSpaceWorld 2.0: open #call for expressions of interest
- 20 June, 2018
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#ErasmusMundus Master on #Geospatial technologies best Master 2017-2018 in #Spain
For some years our Eramus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies has been ranked b
- 15 June, 2018
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#SEnviro for Smart Agriculture awarded in COPE Castellón radio station awards
GEOTEC is very happy to announce that our colleagues Sergi Trilles and
- 14 June, 2018
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FabSpace 2.0 @FabSpaceWorld published the 1st Edition of the Use Case Series
Last month, FabSpace 2.0 published the 1st edition of the FabSpace Use Cases Series as part of the project´s initiative. Specifically,...
- 6 June, 2018
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@geotecUJI results in @inituji proof of concept 2017: ILDUM #Indoor #Location Demonstrator in the University CaMpus
The Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT), publishes an annual call for INIT re
- 4 June, 2018
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#EO4GEO workshop and project meeting held in #Castellon last week
The very first results of the survey carried out in the European project Erasmus + «EO4GEO:...
- 15 May, 2018
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First conference paper about #SUCRE4kids accepted in #JENUI2018
A paper co-authored by Sergi and
- 9 May, 2018
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GEO-C Scientific talk on Every move you make: An update on the state of #geoprivacy by @carstenkessler
You all are cordially invited to attend a lecture/scientific talk “Every move you make: An update on the state of geoprivacy”...
- 8 May, 2018
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Our colleague Miguel Matey Sanz was honoured with the “Ernest Breva” award
Ernesto Breva award is an academic excellence award given by UJI to outstanding students. Miguel got the prize for his academic results during...
- 7 May, 2018
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Sketchnotes from MSA-IF proposal writing workshop held at #CampusUJI
These are Carlos Granell's notes for Marta Calero’s workshop on the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2018. The workshop on writing a successful...