- 10 November, 2021
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@programasucre showcased to 100 students – @GEOTECUJI in action, powered by @FECYT_Ciencia
- 8 November, 2021
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@GEOTECUJI Colleagues research stays
Our colleagues Águeda Gomez Cambronero and Ditsuhi Iskandaryan are doing their PhD stays in Dublin and Bologna respectively from...
- 4 November, 2021
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@GEOTECUJI welcomes Marc and Ainhoa
We want to welcome Marc and Ainhoa, undergraduate students in Computer Science, who will collaborate in the development of...
- 29 October, 2021
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@GEOTECUJI showed @programasucre to 50 students in “Conecta con la ciencia” action
- 28 October, 2021
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HTW Dresden’s Prof. Toralf Trautmann visits @GEOTECUJI
Prof. Toralf Trautmann from University of Applied Science
- 27 October, 2021
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GEOTEC participation in EO4GEO Poland Workshops
- 13 October, 2021
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New @GEOTECUJI paper put at #giscience2021
The GIScience 2020 (-21) conference was held in two years due to pandemics. The second part of the...
- 4 October, 2021
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Geotec participates with several projects in the MedNight
On Friday 24th of September, GEOTEC participated in the Mediterranean Researchers’ Night, held in conjunctio
- 24 September, 2021
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EO4GEO tools demonstrated in several use cases at EO4GEO dissemination workshop
On the 22nd of September 2021, the The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research organised a dissemination workshop in the...
- 7 July, 2021
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New @GEOTECUJI paper out at #JENUI2021 @JENUICONF
It is not the first time that GEOTEC members present an article at the JENUI conference, see for instance...
- 5 July, 2021
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EO4GEO tools presented at multiple conferences/workshops this month
The EO4GEO platform and EO4GEO tools deve
- 26 May, 2021
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