- 1 February, 2021
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#Beca de iniciación a la #investigación para estudiantes de Informática en @geotecUJI
- 29 January, 2021
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Welcome to Roald de Brower from @UAntwerpen
Roald de Brouwer arrives from the University of Anwerp (Belgium) to do his master thesis at UJI with GEOTEC...
- 25 January, 2021
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GEOTEC’s contribution to The Week of #Geospatial Information #GIEducation for the Future @eo4geoTalks @ideais_cyted
- 4 January, 2021
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Two conference presentations on #reproducibility #research practices @MuninConf #Reproducibility2020
2020 closed with a couple of contributions about Reproducible Research practices.
The first
- 23 December, 2020
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Sven Casteleyn and Carlos Granell promote as associate professors at @geotecUJI @initUJI @UJIUniversitat
There is some sensation of relieve when you finally stand in front of a committee to defend the position...
- 18 December, 2020
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#H2OMap #Erasmusplus KA201 project about #mapping hydraulic heritage starting at @UJIUniversitat
Hydraulic heritage is particularly important for a territory, since it contributed to local development and economic growth, and water...
- 19 November, 2020
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#EO4GEO GISDay 2020 at @UJIUniversitat : #EO and #Copernicus meet #Agriculture !
- 4 November, 2020
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#EO4GEO BoK software platform available
"To unlock the vast knowledge captured in the Body of Knowledge (BoK) in practical (software) applications, the EO4GEO project...
- 3 November, 2020
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Miguel Matey new FPU student at @geotecUJI
GEOTEC is happy to announce that Miguel Matey joined our team on November 1st as a FPU student. Miguel was awarded...
- 27 October, 2020
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GEOTEC participates in panel on challenges and opportunities of #SDIs at #SBIDE2020 @ideais_cyted
The Directorate of Geosciences of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), together with the Federal University of...
- 19 October, 2020
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#EO4GEO set of tools introduced to different stakeholders this week with the help of @nereusaisbl @earsc
It has been a long road 'til we arrived to the release of
- 15 October, 2020
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@A_WEAR_PROJECT paper awarded with the Best Student Paper at @ICUMT_Congress @dquezada_gaibor @KlusLucie
Indoor positioning and localization are widely used in multiple environments, due to the wide range of services it can...