Downstream Skills development and User uptake through Innovative curricula in Training and Education
Funding institution: European Commission – Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS)
Total budget: 3.993.721 € / Budget UJI: 224.424 €
Duration: January 2024 – December 2027
Space technologies are evolving fast, and new skills must follow accordingly to adapt to this changing environment. SpaceSUITE develops a program and innovative platform with the aim to supply the required skills and curricula to achieve the goals of the EU in the aerospace and defense ecosystem. By identifying skills gaps and mismatches, SpaceSUITE will define a mid- and long-term strategy to bridge the gap between the supply and this continuously changing demand in the downstream space related sectors. It will ensure the development of advanced skills in space-related fields and the provision of education and training activities for HE and VET for upskilling and reskilling, in particular for professionals, entrepreneurs, graduates and students, which are central in the EU Space Programme.
SpaceSUITE builds on the success, and experience of EO4GEO, updating the body of knowledge of Earth Observation and Geo-information, expanding it to the fields of Positioning Navigation and Timing and Satellite Communication. Curricula will be designed for key occupational profiles, educational and training materials will be developed, and training actions organized for different persona, from a technician to a decision maker. The online “Open Space Academia” will be created to provide these contents in a flexible manner using the most recent learning techniques. The direct beneficiaries of this action are the 230.000 professionals currently employed by the EU space sector and the downstream sector itself, which accounts for close to 80% of the global space economy.
GEOTEC’s main responsibilities in the are in evolving the Body of Knowledge and maintain and further develop the BoK platform and Ecosystem of tools based on the BoK. To this aim, GEOTEC will be leading Work Package 3 – Develop of a set of services and tools for skills intelligence and instructional design. Next to this, GEOTEC has various smaller roles in the project, such as assisting with skills supply/demand monitoring and gathering, skill gap analysis, defining core curricula and training offers, developing training material, dissemination, etc.
Updating and using the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge for (AI) concept annotation Proceedings Article
In: AGILE GIScience Series (Proceedings of the 25th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science), Copernicus Publications, 2022.
Integrating concepts of artificial intelligence in the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge Proceedings Article
In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (XXIV ISPRS Congress), pp. 53-59, Copernicus Publications, 2022, ISSN: 2194-9034.
Body of knowledge for the Earth Observation and Geoinformation sector: a basis for innovative skills development Journal Article
In: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLIII-B5-2020, pp. 15-22, 2020.
Complementing the European Earth Observation and Geographic Information Body of Knowledge with a Business-oriented Perspective Journal Article
In: Transactions on GIS, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 587-601, 2020, ISSN: 1467-9671.
Empleabilidad y competencias en el sector geoespacial para los profesionales del mañana Journal Article
In: Mapping: revista internacional de ciencias de la tierra, vol. 28, no. 195, pp. 28-33, 2019, ISBN: 1131-9100.

35 partners in total
IP: Sven Casteleyn
No demos available yet

UJI Main contact: Sven Casteleyn
Related informations from our blog
- GEOTEC mans the “BoK & Tools” station at the SpaceSuite Dissemination Event on Space Careers (Salzburg, Austria)
- SpaceSuite workshop at AGILE on knowledge footprint
- @GEOTECUJI in AGILE 2023: workshops & tutorials
- EO4GEO project finished – EO4GEO Alliance starts!
- @GEOTECUJI in #AGILEConf2022: Panel and papers
- GEOTEC participation in EO4GEO Poland Workshops
- Geotec participates with several projects in the MedNight
- EO4GEO tools demonstrated in several use cases at EO4GEO dissemination workshop
- EO4GEO tools presented at multiple conferences/workshops this month
- GEOTEC’s contribution to The Week of #Geospatial Information #GIEducation for the Future @eo4geoTalks @ideais_cyted