Data and context-driven trust management approach in Internet of Everything using Machine Learning techniques and Blockchain
Trust4IoE will investigate the design and validation of a data-centric trust management system, capable of establishing reliable relationships between IoE elements in a decentralized, unalterable and transparent way. The design will be based on three basic pillars:
– Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Blockchain. To establish trust relationships between IoE elements, we define the Experience value by using Machine Learning techniques. This value will be obtained for each IoT device (static or dynamic) and geospatial area and will be based on the quality of the data and previous relationships between them.
– The Fog Computing elements will be part of a blockchain network, to share the Experience value between IoE elements, in this way the system will increase in terms of scalability, security, transparency and /or traceability. Based on the concept of the Smart Contract, we present the Smart
– Geospatial Contract concept. This approach, using geometries, will be able to determine the validity of an interaction (contract) through compliance or not with certain conditions (inside, near, touching,…) and depending on the location (or area) of the device.
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IP and technical contact: Sergi Trilles (

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