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Matey-Sanz, Miguel; González-Pérez, Alberto; Casteleyn, Sven; Granell-Canut, Carlos

Implementing and Evaluating the Timed Up and Go Test Automation Using Smartphones and Smartwatches Journal Article

In: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, iss. 11, pp. 6594 - 6605, 2024, ISSN: 2168-2208.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: activity recognition, machine learning, Mobile apps, symptoms, wearables


Gómez-Cambronero, Águeda

"Horizon: Resilience": A Smartphone-based Serious Game Intervention for Depressive Symptoms PhD Thesis

Universitat Jaume I. INIT, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: mental health, Mobile apps, mobile computing, serious games, symptoms

González-Pérez, Alberto

Applying Mobile and Geospatial Technologies to Ecological Momentary Interventions PhD Thesis

Universitat Jaume I. INIT, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: cognitive-behavioural therapy, exposure therapy, Mobile apps, mobile computing, symptoms


Matey-Sanz, Miguel; González-Pérez, Alberto; Casteleyn, Sven; Granell-Canut, Carlos

Instrumented Timed Up and Go Test Using Inertial Sensors from Consumer Wearable Devices Proceedings Article

In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. AIME 2022, pp. 144-154, Springer, Cham, 2022, ISBN: 978-3031093418.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: machine learning, Mobile apps, mobile computing, symptoms, wearables

González-Pérez, Alberto; Matey-Sanz, Miguel; Granell-Canut, Carlos; Casteleyn, Sven

Using Mobile Devices as Scientific Measurements Instruments: Reliable Android Task Scheduling Journal Article

In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 81, no. 101550, 2022, ISBN: 1574-1192.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Mobile apps, mobile computing, symptoms


Miralles-Tena, Ignacio; Granell-Canut, Carlos; Díaz-Sanahuja, Laura; Woensel, William Van; Bretón-López, Juana; Mira, Adriana; Castilla, Diana; Casteleyn, Sven

Smartphone apps for the treatment of mental disorders: a systematic review Journal Article

In: JMIR mHealth and uHealth, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. e14897, 2020, ISSN: 2291-5222, (IF).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Health applications, mental health, Mobile apps, symptoms


Miralles-Tena, Ignacio

Analysis and development of a platfom for generating context-aware apps for mental health PhD Thesis

Universitat Jaume I. INIT,, 2019.

BibTeX | Tags: context-aware computing, mental health, Mobile apps, symptoms

Granell-Canut, Carlos; Miralles-Tena, Ignacio; González-Pérez, Alberto; Casteleyn, Sven

Consideraciones en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles conscientes del contexto para el soporte a los tratamientos psicológicos Conference

En: XI Congreso nacional y I Internacional de la Asociación española de Psicología clínica y Psicopatología: Psicopatología y tratamientos transdiagnósticos 24-26 Octubre 2019 Campus Universitario de Teruel (Universidad de Zaragoza), Servicio de publicaciones, Universidad de Zaragoza, Teruel, 2019, ISBN: 978-84-16723-84-3 .

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Health applications, mental health, Mobile apps, symptoms

González-Pérez, Alberto; Miralles-Tena, Ignacio; Granell-Canut, Carlos; Casteleyn, Sven

Challenges to Deliver Sensor-based Psychological Interventions using Smartphones Proceedings Article

In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2019 International Symposium on Wearable Computers , pp. 915-920, ACM, New York, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6869-8.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: FPU_Miralles, FPU-González, mental health, Mobile apps, RyC-Casteleyn, RyC-Granell, symptoms

Miralles-Tena, Ignacio; Granell-Canut, Carlos

Considerations for designing context-aware mobile apps for mental health interventions Journal Article

In: International journal of environmental research and public health, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 1197, 2019, (IF).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: context-aware computing, FPU_Miralles, Health applications, Mobile apps, RyC-Granell, symptoms

Karampanah, Sadegh

A survey of usability issues in mobile map-based systems Masters Thesis

Universidade Nova De Lisboa, Lisboa, 2019.

BibTeX | Tags: Mastergeotech, Mobile apps


Iskandaryan, Ditsuhi

A mobile geospatial application to battle psychological disorders Masters Thesis

Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Castellón, 2018.

BibTeX | Tags: Health applications, Mastergeotech, mental health, Mobile apps, symptoms

Gómez-Cambronero, Águeda

Aplicación móvil para el aprendizaje de idiomas basado en la localización del usuario Masters Thesis

INIT, Castellón, 2018.

BibTeX | Tags: Mobile apps

Gómez-Cambronero, Águeda

Aprendizaje de idiomas a través de dispositivos móviles: Un estudio sistemático de los últimos cinco años Masters Thesis

INIT, Castellón, 2018.

BibTeX | Tags: Mobile apps


Corzo, David Pardo

Investigating applied navigation services on mobile technologies for the current challenges of university campuses Masters Thesis

INIT, Castellón, 2017.

BibTeX | Tags: Mastergeotech, Mobile apps, Smart Campus


Mendoza-Silva, Germán Martín; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis Enrique; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

Solutions for signal mapping campaigns of Wi-Fi networks Proceedings

JIIDE 2016 Barcelona (27-30/09/2016), 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Citizen Science, Data Infrastructures, Mobile apps, Web, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi mapping

González-Pérez, Alberto; Casteleyn, Sven; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis Enrique; Miralles-Tena, Ignacio; Granell-Canut, Carlos; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

Mobile, expert-sourced data collection to enable sustainable agricultural practices and management Proceedings Article

In: Mobile Tartu 2016. 29-30 June 2016, 2016.

BibTeX | Tags: ERMES, Mobile apps, mobile GIS, rice cultivation

Gould, Michael

Mobile apps for behavioural modification encouraging green living Proceedings Article

In: City Expo World Congress 2016, Barcelona, 2016.

BibTeX | Tags: GEO-C, Mobile apps

Andrés, Clara; Ramos-Romero, Francisco; Bresó, Edgar; Benedito, Irene; Soria, Eduardo

Emocionatest: an app for the assessment of emotional understanding for children with developmental disorders Proceedings Article

In: INTED2016 Proceedings: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 7-9 March 2016, Valencia, pp. 4776-4784, IATED academy, 2016.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: autism spectrum disorder (asd), children, emotional competence, Mobile apps


Andrés, Clara; Ramos-Romero, Francisco; Bresó, Edgar

Emotional competence assessment in children with ASD by using a mobile app Proceedings Article

In: Edulearn 2015 proceedings: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, pp. 6180-6187, Iated academy, Valencia, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autism spectrum disorder (asd), children, Mobile apps


Tamayo-Fong, Alain; Granell-Canut, Carlos; Díaz-Sánchez, Laura; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

Personalised code generation from large schema sets for geospatial mobile applications Journal Article

In: Computing, vol. 96, no. 5, pp. 355-379, 2014, ISSN: 0010-485X, (IF: 0.593, Q2).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: geospatial data, Mobile apps, XML schema


Gargallo-Tarín, Diego

UJI's Smart Campus: Place Finder App Masters Thesis

Universitat Jaume I, 2013.

BibTeX | Tags: Mobile apps, Smart Campus, SMARTUJI


García-Martí, Irene; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis Enrique; Benedito-Bordonau, Mauricia; Trilles-Oliver, Sergio; Beltrán-Fonollosa, Arturo; Díaz-Sánchez, Laura; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

Aplicación móvil para la monitorización de la contaminación acústica en entornos urbanos a través de técnicas de Gamification Proceedings Article

In: JIIDE 2012: III Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales. Madrid, Octubre 2012, 2012.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: citizen participation, Gamification, Mobile apps, noise pollution, Participatory GIS, VGI

García-Martí, Irene; Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis Enrique; Benedito-Bordonau, Mauricia; Trilles-Oliver, Sergio; Beltrán-Fonollosa, Arturo; Díaz-Sánchez, Laura; Huerta-Guijarro, Joaquín

Mobile Application for Noise Pollution Monitoring through Gamification Techniques Proceedings Article

In: Herrlich, M.; Malaka, R.; Masuch, M. (Ed.): ICEC 2012 entertainment computing, pp. 562-571, Springer, 2012, ISSN: 0302-9743.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Gamification, Mobile apps, noise pollution